I feel that White men privilege is something like a huge, mysterious cloud of meaning that looms over our society, covering some in its shadow, and passing by others unnoticed. I think that it refers to the underlying conception that puts white males in positions of authority, literally or figuratively, in the minds of people. It spawns from the dominance that the white male has pushed over others throughout history. One could say that a white male has typically been behind every western conflict that has ever arisen. Slavery, oppression over native Americans, women, immigrants, all seemingly resulting from the great white man's objectives. the results and reconciliation of all these conflicts have the white man in today's world in a precarious position. White man privileged has become something that those who are not a "white man" can never experience. It is having confidence that you will probably never be the victim of oppression, subjugation, or tyranny. That you will always be represented equally, politically, as well as in the media. That people will never question your authority based on gender or race. Its this weird thing that seemingly gives white men these additional rights, ones that are not written, and are rarely brought up. I think its an interesting concept, and one that does affect me personally, being one of these white males. Although i could go and say that "oh, this cant be true! because I've had to struggle just as hard blah blah blah.. Life's unfair for me to!", i know that saying that wouldn't be true. I know that there ARE things out there that I'm unaware of, that I dont have to worry about, being a white male. Ive rarely if ever have to consider if how I;m being treated is related to my skin color or gender. I dont really have to worry about being a victim of racism, or aggression, based upon me being a white male. And I can always be sure to find something in the media that represents me or my group.
I entirely agree that this concept is part of the way we communicate. Whether its evident or not. But as I've realized through many classes and experiences, that sometimes the things that are the most important, are often unseen. And white privileged is a form of unseen oppression. It symbolically places the white male ideal upon all other peoples, making it some "gold standard" of being. But unfortunately, one that most can never achieve. I feel that the best way to deal with this silent oppression is to bring it to light, open it up, be aware of it and try to change it.
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